Monday, July 14, 2008

hola amigos!

Q: what is your favorite tie? A: My favorite tie is one that is brown and green. it is pretty ugly but it has alot of memories behind it.

Q: what is your "winter" season like? A: well lets see it is winter now and it is like 80 degrees every day.

Q: tell me about an opportunity to give a priesthood blessing... what did you feel? what did you learn? why did you give it? A- Well i love giving blessing when i can. it feel really good when i can use my priesthood power. i relaly hope that i can give alot more in my lifetime. the people here are really humble but when they really need something i am glad that i can do something. i gave a blessing once to a women in my first area my first transfer. i can remember what i said but i spoke really well. my companion asked me , "you told me that you cant speak spanish" i told him that i can't and that i had no idea what i just said. the woman wanted a blessing and my compaion told her that i have like two weeks in the mission so he said that he was going to give the blessing but the woman said no. she wanted me to give the blessing. so i did and that is what happened. i had a very spiritual experience.

Q: what is a good scripture about faith? A: Alma 32:21 and Ether 12:6

Q: what is your apartment like? A: well it is just an average apartment. there is not much to it. like i have said before there is no carpet in this country so that just is not fun see all of those pictures with carpet. but yeah it is cool i guess you could say...

Q: share your testimony? A: now is that supposed to be a question. Okay i will. It is really simple. i know the church is true and that we have the power of god on the earth. god has a plan for us. we must do everything we can to returen and be with our father in heaven again. i say again because i know that we lived with him before this life and we will live with him again. our whole family. we much do all we i can. i know we have a prophet and the scriptures are true. Jesus is the Christ and he loves us all.


Bon said...

You are such a great missionary. Keep up the good work and know that we are all praying for you! :)

Unknown said...

Spencer, you're all grown up! :)I'm glad you're doing well!

Cortney Hill said...

Hey spencer!! Its Cortney your cousin!! I just found your blog. I didn't know you had one! You look like you are doing great on your mission! That is so great to hear and see pictures of how your doing and stuff! I would love to see more pictures and how your doing:)